I https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F283344313179

Please see the attached referenced eBay listing and report. Seller is claiming it is from a 27 year old collection and is not sure if it is real or a reproduction. Sign is a reproduction and no more than 20 years old I believe. Currently has watchers and listed buy it now for $1400.00
The posting is very misleading and hints towards the sign being real.
I tried adding a photo but the file was to large. Can somebody please view the listing and post?

Last edited by Burningriver216; Sat Jan 19 2019 07:13 AM. Reason: Tried to add photo but file is to large