Morning All, Half way there for you guys still punching out a paycheck,not sure that this still holds water as so many places are 24-7 now days.
Only dropped to 65 degrees last night so I think we have made it to summer here. 85 or better for the next couple with a front of rain headed for this weekend. They say it will loose its punch and might hang here a while.
Not much on the plate today think I'll take it as it comes today I am going to service the mower as I cheated and didn't do the spring service before I started this year. There was just to much going and the days I could of done it I found something else more important,or I justified it in my mind that something was on top of the list.
Latest breaking News highest gas prices we have seen in three years headed for this summer. BUMMER!


Last edited by Loyd Pierce; Wed May 02 2018 07:56 AM.

*Wanted Pierce Pennant Petroleum*