I have 2 0riginal statues for sale, They are in very nice condition with an additional coat of paint that has been on them for as long as ive ever seen them. Heres the long story of how i aquired them... I first saw these when an old friend of mine Ray who passed away about a month ago took me by his 80 something mothers home 30+ years ago. They were on stone pillars on each side of her driveway so i asked him where they came from and if his mom might sell them. He said she wont i know as she loves them too much, i got 2 sets of them from the old Helming garage in Wisdom about 20 yrs ago and gave her a set and old Lloyd Harkin a set! well Lloyd died about 4 years ago @ 9o+ yrs of age and those ones are still in front of his place! He had a marvelous collection! Anyway time goes on and Rays mom passed but i didnt ask about the eagles for several year and when i did he told me his brother wanted them and took them home. I totally wrote them off and forgot about them... Fast fwd 2o+ yrs. Im lookining on ebay last summer and see a set for sale. Quite high in price but lo and behold here in my home town!! I get ahold of the guy and he says hes gona let the auction run but stop by and look at them. I do and asked him where he got them? (They sure looked familiar) Ray had moved to my town(aprox 100 miles}about the time we first went to his moms and apparently years later so did his brother!.Anyway his brother sells his house to a new owner who doesnt like the eagles on the pillars in front of the place and takes them down. He is a church fellow and his sons and him come up with the idea of putting one on the lawn of a church member with a ransom note that they would remove it for a donation to his church something or another! . being that it weighed about 275 lbs they paid up! This went on all summer house to house until someone told him HEY thats a valuable rare statue! dont leave it out there. He investigates and finds out what they are then lists them on ebay.... That when i happed to finally get reunited with them. A year goes by and he didnt sell them but also went silent, i stopped and left messages, no response so i figured he sold them A few days ago he txt me and offered them to me at a better price than he was wanting on ebay so, well here they are. I used to have a place where they would of looked awsum on stone pillars but now they wont work for me so im gone flip em if anyone wants them I live in western Montana have a crate i can ship them in if necessary I wiould take $4500 for the pair or $2300 for either one plus shipping. I can hold onto them for whatever time someone needs to get a ride home with them. Im not far south of I 90. i have additional pics if anyone wants them, just send me your email!

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