Interesting. I deal on craigslist a lot for motorcycle parts and complete motorcycles. About two years ago I responded to a "local" Green Bay CL ad for a cycle I was looking to buy, especially since it was a great price on a good looking bike. But the odd price , $1129, and limited description should have raised flags. Also, the bike description didn't quite fit the picture, should have raised more flags. I emailed the "seller" for more info, to find she was in OK and the bike was in Davenport IA, crated and ready to ship and sell through Ebay (to protect me, yeah sure). I told the seller if the bike is as good a deal as the price and pictures indicate I'd drive down to Davenport with cash and truck to pick it up, so set up a place/time for me to see the bike.

Ha, replies after that. But,....I soon was getting all sorts of emails for products and sellers I had never requested or contacted. So the reason for this post is; the seller only wanted my email/contact info to sell. For the past two years I constantly get more emails from all sorts of online sellers. Perhaps the same thing is happening here if this forum.

Another clue: do a Google search of the CL ad picture itself. Just right mouse click on the picture and select Google Search. I did that for the bike for which I had contacted the seller, and found the exact same picture in several other CL ads around the midwest, well over 500 miles away, with different details, different prices, different contact details. I even found the exact same picture on an ad for a bike on Ebay, again with different info and contact info. So the CL scammer just picked a random picture of the bike off the net (and it was not a factory original picture), created false details about it, and posted it waiting for the fish (me) to take the bait.

Love motorcycles, got eleven right now, dealing on others. Looking for a 1948 to 1954 Jawa 350 Twin.