It probably is true that it may become harder to repeat their success in the future. But I’m not sure that changing the way the NFL has been operated successfully for fifty years to achieve more team parity is a good thing. NASCAR was so afraid that the sport was dying after Earnhardt won seven championships they concluded that nobody wanted to watch racing dominated by a few drivers who lapped the field every week. In that era the sports fan base was growing every year and while a lot of people said they hated Earnhardt they also couldn’t stay away because they waited every week for him to get beat. Now, after years of implementing rules to insure parity among teams, the sport is a boring, follow the leader, every car looks the same event. If not for tv contracts it would be dead. As far as the rule changes stopping domination by one team Jimmy Johnson and Chad Knaust pretty much proved that theory wrong too. There will always be combinations of the right people and resources that will cause the cream to rise to the top. But just like the rest of the world today, everyone has to be a winner, nobody should lose, and God forbid anybody is made to look bad.....even if they are.....GB