Thousands of Men and Women worked at Gas/Service Stations from the late 1910s to the 1970s.. Before the 1973 Oil Embargo and the start of the Full Service Gas Station general demise...

Maybe, you were one of those; The one's that raced to a vehicle, to check the Oil, pump the Gas, check the Water, check Tire Pressures and clean the Windshield and windows?... Me, I was lucky enough, to work at a couple different Stations in the 1960s... (Tidewater Flying A and Chevron)

I would see Attendants in Magazine ads, on TV and in Movies. You know what I'm talking about... They come to a Vehicle with sharply creased trousers, spotlessly clean shirt, some with a necktie or bowtie... Either a full size Uniform hat with the shiny black leather bill or a nice clean Garrison cap; set at an angle above their brow...

Of course not all Stations had Uniforms... But, at least for me and my friends... Those Stations that required a smart Uniform, were "a step up" from our smaller local Stations... (the Stations I worked at, had no set Business attire for us Employees... besides being a neat and clean as possible)

As a youngster, I always wanted to own one of those Uniforms (after serving in the Military, Uniforms lost a lot of their luster to me... LOL)

I now have a Flying A Uniform that hangs next to the "Gas themed" 1/2 Bath...(some have asked why I don't have it on a Manikin? And the truth is, they freak me out)...

I still get a kick out of looking at the Uniform each and every day... (for those wondering, I am way too fat to ever try and wear the Uniform... And yes, the Uniform shirt came to me with the Flying A and the "Bob" patches on it)

And I wondered how many of you have a Uniform(s) in your Collections?

Looking for Tide Water/ Tide Water-Associated/ Tidewater items