Ebay has made a lot of changes regarding seeing info on past or completed auctions lately. I would like to see them change people's ability to see completed auction results unless you were a bidder. In particular "buy it nows". This whole situation occurred because there are people searching the completed auctions for "buy it nows" that were under market price items or "deals" with the sole intent on offering more and screwing the original buyer. They contact the seller offering more money, sometimes thousands more. This is unethical to me and pretty sleazy. Sellers that are happy with their original "buy it now price" are suddenly told they sold it too cheap. Many sellers have no ethics and will sell to the higher offer and screw the original buyer. IMO BOTH have no ethics and are WRONG. This is happening more and more. I know several members that have been screwed by these f*****s many times. Eliminate the ability to see sold items to non bidders and you will help eliminate this from happening. The guys making the offers after the auction is over are just as sleazy, if not more, as the sellers that are cancelling the purchase.

Last edited by Watchdog9; Fri Oct 24 2014 07:16 PM. Reason: foul language

Dennis Leith / Always looking for unusual Gilmore Oil Company items and Automobilia Displays