Originally Posted By: MMATTESON
Well lets see how honest you are..... was the brigestone sign you sold a repop or an original? Loved how the " made in ..... was scratched off.

It's an Original! Guaranteed! Anyone that thinks different we will make a wager on it's authenticity. We will pick 3 knowledgeable people like Scott Benjamin, Wayne Henderson and Matthews gas expert to look at the sign in person and see what they say. I will wager $1500 that it's real. If I win you pay me $1500! If I'm wrong I will pay you $1500 plus give the buyer back his $1500 and he can even keep the sign. Now let's see how big your nads are and step up to the plate by putting your money where your mouth is!

"http://www.gasglobes.com/appraisal.html" Scott Benjamin appraisal page."

I've sent an e-mail to Scott and Matthews right now.