I'm pretty new to the Petroliana world and I love all the great information on this site. When a particular gas pump piques my interest I spend hours looking for pictures of one pump or another. I know this is an impossible task, but I wish photos posted in the chat board had the pictured pumps identified. This is true especially of the "Great Old Pics" thread. There are hundreds of pages with thousands of photos. Once I look at them and move on, they're gone. There's no way to search and find a particular pump.
Don't think I'm complaining - I'm not. I can't believe the effort by MetroPetro, advertologist and others over the years to post all these amazing vintage photos. I just wish they were all searchable. I know there's no way to go back and i.d. everything.
Just a thought, when someone posts a photo of their pump to a thread like "Pump of the Month", instead of saying, "Here's mine." maybe say, "Here's my Erie 80." That way someone can find that photo later. - Jack J.