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#694553 Fri Sep 15 2017 12:33 PM
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Hello, I am going to restore a Tolkien 39 pump in Texaco colors. I want it to be consistent with Texaco advertising and colors of the 1960s. Can anyone share any information or photos of what a Texaco pump may have looked like in that time period or direct me to a resource that may list gas companies colors and ads during that time period?

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Not sure if this article will help?


A lot of images on Yahoo... Just type in 1960s Texaco Gas Station photos and then click on images....

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Thanks! This works perfect!

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Looks like some pumps were red and white and some all red. Some even look silver. Any designation between the colors on the Fire Chief or Sky Chief pumps? Regular and Premium? Some photos even show red doors/ white body and some show white body/red doors. probably doesn't matter much but I would hate to have a pump with "regular" ad glass painted like a "Premium" pump.

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1960s Texaco.
Fire Chief = Red
Sky Chief = Silver

1960s Texaco

Jim "Oldgas" Potts
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These are the colors Texaco used on their salt and pepper shakers. Also Fire-Chief is Regular and Sky Chief is Premium

Texaco Pair.jpg
Last edited by SandPCollector; Fri Sep 15 2017 04:23 PM. Reason: Added second sentence.

Regards, Jim

I collect gas pump salt and pepper shakers
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You rally need to do some research. First, you didn't give us any info as to what 39 your have, is it the tall version or is it the short version. Perhaps this page of my website will give you some information about the 39s. http://petrolianacollectibles.com/tokheim%2039%20tall.htm

Now, if your pump is a tall one, a few were made after WWII because there was a need for tall pumps to go with the old tall pumps from the 30s, but this was the time for the short pumps. Why, because cars were now being made lower to the ground, Hudson even advertised a car that you "stepped down into." After WW11, it was short pump times.

The last short 39 was made in 1959. You didn't list when your pump was made, but if you send me the "Serial No." I will let you know when it was made, possibly the month. jhsim@petrocollect.com

So, it very possibly your pump by the 60s was a used pump, these were pumps that were traded in on new pumps. Many pumps were just like used cars, reconditioned and sold on the "used" market.

So why all this, it is very possible your pump went through a number of oil companies, each one changing the signs/decals/colors.

So, take the pump apart, have it sandblasted, take a good look at it. Did your uncle have a Sinclair station (?), was the first station you purchased gas a Shell station (?). Find a reason to restore the pump to something that happened in your family.

I wrote an article for "Check the Oil" a few years ago about the Tokheim 39s. I did some research and found out that Tokheim made over 125,000 39s.

Have fun with your pump. Years ago the late Dick Bennett was credited with talking about the "pump police," actually I was the one that started using that to describe that there are no "pump police" out there to tell you that your pump is not restored correctly. Again, have fun with your pump, Texaco, Shell, Mobil, Standard Oil are not the only people who purchased pumps. Check out some little company that only sold gas in Detroit and dedicate a pump to them.

Jack Sim

Last edited by Jack Sim; Fri Sep 15 2017 09:50 PM.

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Thank You, this is great info. Mine is a 39 short. I wanted to restore it as a Texaco, but I do not know if it was ever a Texaco pump. I assume it was probably used for years and well into the 1960s. I want to display it in the garage with my 66 Mustang. I am picking it up next week so I will chime in the serial number when I get it. Thanks for all the info.

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Serial number on this pump is 39 LRP 965314 -7-50. The number on the bottom of the data plate is A-717701

Last edited by trucktricksdon; Wed Sep 20 2017 01:30 PM.
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As the serial number indicates, your pump was born in July, 1950.

Here is some pictures and information on your pump: http://petrolianacollectibles.com/tokheim%2039l-ra.htm

Be sure to click on the pictures for a larger view.

Jack Sim

Author, 1st & 2nd editions of Gas Pump ID book, 3rd edition is now available at www.gaspumpbible.com
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If you do it in Texaco...don't forget to paint the base black. I forgot about that when I did my Wayne 70s. Nobody notices....but, I do...LOL

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