I AGREE DAVE! Just my thoughts on FB from a 37 year old collector (and I am no means a veteran in this hobby):
The IRS AND potential future employers prefer Facebook. If the market falls, I would have a hard time thinking many employers would hire SOME individuls based on the sidebar conversations on FB.....if they needed a 9-5 job. Most companies hiring at a decent salary now do a variety of background checks and what is easier than google or facebook? Article from a legal site:
http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/can-potential-employers-check-your-facebook-page.htmlWhat Employers Are Doing
According to surveys, about three-quarters of recruiters check out applicants on the Internet when hiring, and almost half of all employers do the same. Employers report rejecting job applicants when they find references to drug use, heavy drinking, sexually offensive materials, violent imagery, and so on.
To Dave’s point think of it from an IRS standpoint. How easy would it be to cross reference some dates of travel/meal expenses vs what was claimed on their taxes? What about sale’s price? Not claiming certain profits? All easily tracked in a public forum.
Additional, I don’t like FB because you can easily be tracked to when you are are not home or at your business… plus all the goodies you have stashed away. Think about how many have posted going to the next swap meet and or posting pictures from said meet real time. I won’t even let my wife post pics of our vacations until we are back home.
Just my opinion, I prefer OG for all above and the great knowledge accessible to those that humbly request it. And when you are not uploading a picture of every item you find or buy from ebay OG does just fine