I have a question about pumps for those who deal in them or buy and sell lots of them.

I have been looking for 3 identical pumps for a very long time, since 1995 or so. It seems every time I get a new pump that is the same model something is different between it and the others. I have never found 2 of the same model exactly the same. For instance = I have 3 Fry 73 speedboys now same year style and model numbers on the plates, and today I just bought my 3rd and just got it home tonight. The first has no “center skin” bolts, and the 2nd does because they added a cast iron center skin support inside and then they also moved the upper drain pipes “the ones going inside the glass” further apart, on the first pump one of the pipes goes right up the center of the pump. On the 3rd pump it also has the center skin bolts but has a stock U pipe and 1 drain back pipe, and it does not have the drain back pipe. I looked these over real well and none of them look like they were ever tampered with or changed by a jobber.

Is this very common that they constantly changed the pumps or did updates like this keeping the same model name?

Travis E. Towle
Topeka, Kansas
