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#739174 Tue Nov 19 2019 10:10 AM
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I had some time off last week and decided to start cleaning up a pile of stencils that I had lying around for years. I had bought a case of Riker display boxes some time ago and realized that the smaller stencils would almost fit perfectly. With the addition of some extra red felt that was left over from lining my big showcases everything came together. I have a few more stencils to clean though some are of a bigger size. Some I will place on shelves and others I will add a couple of screw eyes along the top and hang them on the walls. I do like the way the lettering stands out with the red backing. My collection is Canadian overall so the Zerolenes will probably not be used for I believe they were a brand that Standard Oil used in the US and not in Canada with Imperial Oil. Cheers, Don.

IMG_8747.JPG IMG_8749.JPG IMG_8751.JPG IMG_8763.JPG
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Geez Don you have all the neat stuff. Those are eclectic and old. The purple brings back memories from my teenage years where my farm friends would run their cars on purple gas and I was jealous because I was paying higher city prices than they were. I dont remember the difference but it was around 5 cents a gallon less. Big money then. But then I didnt have to worry about the police checking my gas for purple. Haven't thought about that in a while!

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Don are there any other identifiers of purple gas out there other than the stencils or brass tags?

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Fred, if you talking about pump signs or decals I can't say that I have seen any, nor any large signage for that matter. It might be possible that a large retailer like UFA, United Farmers of Alberta, who had a lot of rural stations might have a dedicated pump for the purple died tax-exempt gas. However, it seems more likely that farmers would either purchase it by the barrel or have it delivered directly to the farm and have their large tank filled. Here in Alberta you needed a farm permit to buy purple plus your vehicles had to have farm plates.

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Those really look sharp and pop!!! Very unique for displaying.


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