I think Mike is entitled to his opinion, whether you agree with him or not, just as you are. You don't know him, so you can't say if he's made any effort in the past to do anything about it or not.

Concerning voting for elected officials, I totally agree. I have voted in every Presidential election and most mid-terms since turning 18, 32 years ago. You don't always get who you want. I also spent several years this past decade trying to wake people in my community up to what is going on in the world without much success. Most folks just don't want to be woken up. It's slowly happening though.

I live in Michigan and though the court says that Gov Whitmer did nothing wrong, I think the constitution is pretty clear that her declared State of Emergency orders issued after the first one ARE unconstitutional. Courts don't always get it right and are subject to political pressure whether we like to believe it or not. But that's just my opinion.